Regent Assay advises Vantage Health, a UK provider of AI digital solutions to the healthcare industry, on its acquisition by Northgate Public Services “nps”
Regent Assay is pleased to announce that it has acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Vantage Health on its sale to Northgate Public Services. Vantage Health is a UK based business which has…
Regent Assay advise IDE Vision on the acquisition of the MPSII Macular Pigment Screener from Elektron Eye Technology
Regent Assay has advised on the acquisition of the business and assets from Elektron Eye Technology by IDE Vision. The principal asset acquired is the MPSII, which was the world’s first commercially…
Regent Assay advise on acquisition of leading professional painting equipment and ducting brands
Regent Assay has advised a group of private investors on the acquisition of market leading professional painting equipment and ducting brands Gallito and FastClip from Filtermist International Ltd.…
Gates Virtual Business Channel Summit
Pradip Somaia, Partner at Regent Assay, will host a virtual M&A workshop examining the key drivers and valuations for the Channel Sector at the Gates Virtual Business Channel Summit, India &…
Regent Assay advises InfoFlex, the digital health software specialist, on its acquisition by Civica
UK based healthcare software specialist Chameleon Information Management Services Limited and its subsidiary, Flex Software Limited, trading as InfoFlex has been acquired by Civica UK Limited, the…
Why preparation is key
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" is a famous quote and warning that all too often rings true. When 2020 rolled in, it is doubtful if many, or even any, businesses had plans in place…
How to Value your Business in these Turbulent Times?
The last few weeks have shown us that valuations can be volatile, and timing is so important when exiting your business. Stock markets fell precipitously wiping Trillions off the value of Companies…
Distree EMEA 2020 Workshop
Pradip Somaia, Partner at Regent Assay, will host a workshop outlining the current trends in European M&A activity for the TMT sector and sharing valuable insight into the internal and external…
Invitation: How to Maximise the Equity Value of Your Business
Regent Assay are hosting a seminar with Moore Blatch at Richmond Golf Club, Surrey on March 5th from 5pm. This will focus on the key ingredients to prepare your business for maximum value and you…
Refinitiv 2019 Annual Mid-Market & Small-Cap Overview
The Refinitiv 2019 Global Mid-Market (US$50m-$500m) and Small-Cap (up to $50m) M&A Annual Review is out with the a similar picture of deal activity being suppressed across both markets. …