

The key to growth by acquisition is ensuring that not only does the target offer synergies and opportunities to add value to your existing business, but that it also has a culture that is compatible to your own.


We combine our experience as business operators with our methodology to support you along every step of your acquisition journey.

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If acquisitions are part of your roadmap, our transaction specialists will help you through all aspects of planning, sourcing, negotiating and completing the transaction.


Whether targeting businesses in the UK or globally we have the local expertise who can help in identifying off-market opportunities and developing a dialogue to understand the potential of a transaction arising.


We can also assist in positioning you as the buyer,  reviewing the financial information and shaping offers that meet the goals of the purchaser, negotiating Heads of Terms, before supporting the due diligence and legal processes through to completion. The key is to ensure that you buy the right business for your business at the best price.

With the support of our consulting team we can also look at some of the more commercial elements of potential transactions, including cultural fit and the human capital element of the target, to ensure you are acquiring a motivated and qualified team that will align with your own values. This crucial element is often overlooked.


We also help our clients ensure that they undertake effective due diligence which does not just focus on the financial performance and sales pipeline. Our process driven approach ensures our clients ensure that they know how they are going to integrate and run the businesses before completion of the deal occurs. This is a critical element in ensuring the success of the deal post completion.

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